In 1996, Marvel comics release a series of comic books profiling the Transformers that had appeared in the comics, the first two seasons of the Sunbow cartoon show, and Transformers: The Movie. Subsequent issues of the comics offered additional profiles of some of the Season 3 and Season 4 characters including the Throttlebots, Targetmasters, and Headmasters.
Since that time, the cast of "Generation 1" characters has grown. Some received entries in Dreamwave Publishing's own profile series. But this site is dedicated to those characters that were not created in time, or never received their moment in the limelight. In some cases, they are recolored or remolded toys exclusive to one retailer or another (such as e-Hobby), some are unreleased figures while others are international exclusives. Still others are characters that appear in some medium but are never identified, often the result of animation errors. To each of them, this tiny unlit corner of the internet is their own place to shine -
an Island of Misfit Transforming Toys, if you will.
Welcome to the Transformers Universe - Extended.
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